x299 retrospective: a bad platform bought by the wrong customers

“There are no bad products, only bad prices” is missing an important part of the picture: there are a lot of wrong customers out there. I used to hate x299, but i…

Misleading without lies: how to manipulate the audience

One thing that i like about computers is the ability to provide objective evidence with numbers when comparing different products. It is possible to have objective evaluation of performance, without having to…

X99 in 2023 – As chinese brands made it possible, they now killed it

It was 2019 that i discovered the world chinese X99 boards. I was already using consumer ES (engineering sample) versions of 8700 / 8700t as my processors of choice for hackintosh build,…

B660M Gaming X AX review and comparison – performance issues

We did a round up of 12 gen DDR4 motherboards power and performance earlier this year on italian channel – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKAe39WsieM + https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbW20l4c-QM Back then, Z690M Plus D4 from asus had the…
Wx Cards

Radeon Pro Wx 5100 and 4100 on hackintosh

While the market for GPUs is not a crazy mess like it used to be, there is a shortage of options for low end cards on hackintosh if you actually care about…

Audio Build early 2021

New intel 11th gen CPUs are out and their audio performance seem to be worst than previous gen as their bigger cores command higher latencies (read more on Anandtech); meanwhile, GPUs are…

Choosing a computer for audio production – laptop

Choosing a laptop for professional use is no easy task: lack of competent reviews meet a market full of different models and variants where most important variables are hidden to the final…