Macbook Pro 15 e 17 del 2011
Voglio dedicare un post ad uno dei computer più interessanti e controversi mai prodotti: il Macbook Pro 15 e 17 pollici del 2011. In quello che è stato uno degli anni più…

iMac GPU cooling mods
iMac 2007 and 2008 Ati HD2600pro GPU bios is not recognized by Radeon Bios Editor so i’ts not possible to undervolt it; to prevent it from failing after a successful reflow, we…

iMac GPU undervolt
As in most apple products built in the last 15 years, iMac GPUs have a bad habit of failing because of questionable decisions in HW and fan curves design . While 2011…

Salvaging broken iMac screen
iMacs late 2012 onwards are a pain in the ass to service because of the glued down screen – easy to break during disassembly, or falling later during a hot day because…